The lessons in Mimo are pretty simple they just write at the top what it is teaching which is a very easy thing to understand, after that they ask you some questions in the middle to see if you're understanding and make you write the missing code too.
If the lesson was important they will give you some projects and rarly they may give you some projects even if it was easy,but they don't give a lot of projects in Java Script
Mimo have a pretty simple league you just get XP after finishing eash lesson every correct answer is worth 10XP anid if you wasn't doing your lessons frequently you will drop into a lower level league
There is a wonderful community in there anybody can post a topic or a proplem he/she has and everybody is going to try to help you
I think the most important thing is the certificate and Mimo mad a great work making it. Mimo has a lot of certificates with a signature and Mimo's logo
NOTE: Mimo teaches full stack web development
Mimo has a feature called super charge your knowlege which makes you practiceany lesson you forgot and Mimo also has playgrounds so you can try what you learnt
I recommend Mimo a lot as it is very good and will make you a great developer
I wish that there was a test after every section so it makes sure you deserve the certificate